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Olerici Angelo
Added to the database: 16.04.2005 07:39  
ID 111346 title:   last name: Olerici
first name: Angelo last name at birth:  
date of birth:   place of birth:  
date of death: 00.00.1916 age: 0
date of funeral-cremation: 00.00.1916 place of burial: Dunajská Streda - Vojenský cintorín
source: epitaf
description of the person: Taliansky vojak prvej svetovej vojny číslo 608.
photograph 1
photograph 2
photograph 3
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Message by:
J. Akantis   18.01.2010 01:01
14352 Je len otázkou pár rokov a aj tento cintorín zmizne nanávratne
fyzicky , aj z povedomia....