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Hallová Irena
Added to the database: 25.09.2012 15:42  
ID 164150 title:   last name: Hallová
first name: Irena last name at birth: Koprdová
date of birth: 03.07.1924 place of birth: Zlaté Moravce
date of death: 02.02.2012 age: 87
date of funeral-cremation: 06.02.2012 place of burial: Nitra - Chrenová
source: Halla
description of the person:  
photograph 1
photograph 2
photograph 3
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Message by:
Štefan Halla   03.07.2024 11:10
230991 K storočnici narodenia
Message by:
Štefan Halla   06.04.2024 10:36
230783 spomíname
Message by:
Štefan Halla   02.02.2024 14:14
230587 Spomíname
Message by:
Štefan Halla   02.02.2022 06:02
215700 Spomíname
Message by:
Štefan   02.11.2021 08:28
213824 Spomíname
Message by:
Štefan Halla   02.11.2020 11:11
209432 Spomíname
Message by:
Edita a Marian   31.10.2020 21:03
209129 Spominame
Message by:
Edita a Marian   27.10.2020 20:44
208877 Spominame
Message by:
Štefan Halla   02.02.2020 07:55
207955 Spomíname
Message by:
Štefan Halla   04.07.2019 06:53
207138 Spomíname
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